sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2007

Reading? What do you do that for?

Thanx a lot Bless, Cony, Rosi and Martin for your comments on the first entry. Now let's move on, shall we?
Well, some time ago I heard the question in the title from a student, when we were talking about hobbies. It just couldn't enter his mind that I read for pleasure. The wide gap, the huge distance that separated us in that moment made me at once sad and thoughtful.
I don't have a magical solution for that problem (which I think it is). The only solution I can think of is reading. You can give all the arguments against reading you like, but a great book makes you forget the world around you. Enough said.
So, the topic is quite simple really. Name the top 3 or 4 books (not necessarily in order) you'd recommend to anyone who may be interested in reading.

Here are mine:
Great essays and ideas! Great humour too! BORGES'S "Otras Inquisiciones"

Probably the greatest character in literature: HAMLET

The most sensitive book in the world: LIBRO DEL DESASOSIEGO by Fernando Pessoa

You can't go around without having read Kafka's novels or stories!

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Quite hard a task, Enzo!I'll be eclectic then:
- With a feminist perspective,I'd choose The Awakening by Kate Chopin,
- To be absolutely absorved and to let my imagination fly freely, I'd choose Harry Potter (any of the seven!)
- To laugh my ribs out, I'd pick up a hilarious short story by Woody Allen: "THe whore of Mensa",
-In a more psychological perspective, I'd choose The Strange Case of Dr Jekill and Mr Hyde, by Stevenson.

Ups! I realised that I've chosen all books written in English. Among many excellent Argentinian writters, I'd pick up Cortazar's stories.

Anónimo dijo...

Ok, here I go with my top 3 books:
1) El sueño de los héroes, by A.Bioy Casares. Greatest book ever!!!..
2) The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde. Great book!
3)No doubt: Hamlet, by Shakespeare. Great classic!.

See ya! ROSI

Anónimo dijo...

Ok, here I go with my top 3 books:
1) El sueño de los héroes, by A.Bioy Casares. Greatest book ever!!!..
2) The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde. Great book!
3)No doubt: Hamlet, by Shakespeare. Great classic!.

See ya! ROSI

Bless dijo...

Ok, here I go! I'll be eclectic too!

- El Túnel, by Ernesto Sábato. That book is full of meaning for me.

- The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde. I love that book for so many reasons...

- El Triple Salto Mortal, by Leo Maslíah. If you don't laugh with this one, you're dead. ;)

- All Alfonsina Storni's poems... God, it's pretty hard for me to stop here, I could keep on naming books and authors the whole night!

Great blog, Enzo! Keep it up!

Anónimo dijo...

Hi everyone! Well, these are the books I recommend:
- The gold beetle and other stories by Edgar Allan Poe...tales full of suspense and enigma.

-The importance of being Earnest, a very funny and ingenious comedy by Oscar Wilde.

- The sorrows of young Werther, by Goethe...a novel about such an overlasting topic!

- The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde...just a great book...

I hope you enjoy them as I did!!

Congratulations Enzo!, great job!

Anónimo dijo...

Good job, Enzo!This blog is very interesting. Keep on!